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Naetal /nay·​tal; nə-ˈtal/


Relating to the origin of one’s birth.

Derived from the word ‘natal’; Natus in Latin ‘to be born.’

From prenatal, postnatal, neonatal and beyond. 

prenatal postnatal postpartum natal

Naetal was born out of necessity during Vivian’s first pregnancy when she suffered from a severe itchy pregnancy rash. Having her baby in mind, she wanted to use natural and safe products to help relieve her irritated skin but there were not many options on the market. That was when Vivian set forth to create something natural and effective, and discovered the power of colloidal oatmeal and calendula.

Our Naetal skincare products not only soothe a mother’s skin, but also nurtures her child’s. We have perfected a balanced formula that eases skin irritations from simple dryness to excessive rashes. Whether you are trying to conceive, pregnant, postpartum, or at any stages of motherhood, Naetal is essential for your self-care and wellbeing.

We are here to nurture and sustain your skin's comfort with no second guessing, to balance your journey through motherhood, as you grow alongside your child.


Simple. Clean. Effective.

An essential skincare line mindfully crafted for you and your family.

Proudly made in Canada.


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